Letters 11/25-12/2 | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon


Thank you for the article about our new huts. I am not sure how it was missed, but the other person at our meeting was Jonas Tarlen, Founder and my business partner in Three Sisters Backcountry. Without his tireless efforts our current huts and our new additions would not be what they are. He has been integral to every step of the process in building a hut system that we hope our local backcountry community enjoys. Please give him the props he deserves.

Also, I feel you misrepresented our relationship with the Forest Service. Because I said that it took a long time to learn how to work with the Forest Service did not imply that I thought I was wading through bureaucracy. Specifically, I said that it was a process that I respect as it protects a resource we all value. Our relationship with the Forest Service has been a collaboration of hard work on both sides of this new project. Thanks again.

—Shane Fox


I believe that the Crow's Feet Commons folks have done an excellent job at creating a comfortable space, engaging the public, and creating a variety of events for all to enjoy. The public space has inherent challenges, due to its location next to the public park. We should not expect a business like Crow's Feet to "police" the space; that is not their job. Instead we should applaud their efforts and support further events and growth. What would we expect to pay to rent the space for events? Most local nonprofits don't have a huge fund for space rental, so I can't speak to that, but perhaps a percentage of the event's proceeds would be fair to accept as payment. I didn't see anyone else stepping up to take on the challenges of utilizing that space, and I don't think leadership by committee is ever a good idea. I believe if Crows Feet is willing to continue planning and scheduling for the space, I don't see a problem with letting them keep doing what they are great at. Their events and use of the space reflect the community of Bend in a positive way.

—Shellanderarts (via bendsource.com)


Witness accounts are widely varied and yet some commenters here think they know exactly what happened. What does seem clear is that racism is alive and well in Central Oregon.

—Blanquito (via bendsource.com)

You should spend your time reading the actual Grand Jury decision instead of a vigil for something that didn't occur. A vigil for the 106 officers killed so far this year would be a better use of your time.

—Malcolm Lowery/@mvlow (via Twitter)


We are a nation of sit quiet and watch it on the 24-hour news. I think it is grace that anyone gets up off the couch to support or protest anything these days. It is supposed to be the freedom everyone says we are letting young men and women overseas sacrifice their lives to protect.

—Juli Stonelake Hamdan

(via facebook.com/sourceweekly)

t's unfortunate that people are unable to discuss these issues responsibly. Resorting to derogatory terms to describe [Michael] Brown doesn't justify his death, it only shows the little amount of research you invested to determine your conclusion to this matter. It also only perpetuates the issue of racism. If you're going to resort to a pissing match with whoever doesn't agree with your view instead of providing logical reasoning, why participate in the discussion at all?

—Sara Dueno

(via facebook.com/sourceweekly)


Over the past few weeks, the uproar over the sale of 10 Barrel has been deafening. Three local boys built a brand that patrons love so much they feel ownership of it. Now those who love it think they have been wronged. Chris, Jeremy, Garrett, and their staff do "cool" well. They created magic, and risking the loss of that is scary. Sure. What shocks me is the number of people who went vicious. I think the handfuls of sh*t words flung at those boys over the past weeks make a lot of people smell like hypocrites. At least so far as "selling out to big business" is in the mix. There may be a small few whose own life and money put them in a position to pick up the poo and heave, but most should ask the mirror a few questions.

Are you, in reality, a true supporter of "local?"

Sure, it feels good to spend a few bucks on a brew made in your home town. A basket of fresh produce from a stand at the farmers market makes you feel all proud of your community. That's nice, but when it really counts, are you supporting the local economy? Do you put your own financial status on the line; I mean, when it is real money? Or do you only expect others to make those sacrifices?

Do you buy cameras at Best Buy, paint at Home Depot, or fill the fridge from Safeway? If so, you are selling out to big business. Or worse, do you save yourself a few bucks and order online? You do not support local. Amazon and Overstock don't have Central Oregon storefronts; not even employee wages are staying in the local economy. Do you tell yourself you love Newport Market, but it is too expensive to shop there? Or pride yourself on what a great deal you got on your TV or tires at Costco? Have you? If so, welcome to the Walmartification of America. You are a part of it. Small local businesses struggle while you ship your own money to huge corporations out of state.

Besides "selling out the locals" shots, many sh*t slingers don't even get their facts straight before lobbing. The sky falling on the 10 Barrel staff and their jobs. InBev is a union operation. Can't imagine they'll allow all those looming wage cuts. Or how the City of Portland's permit delays are actually a plan to drag company feet on development. Remember how long it took the Boise project to get through the process? Or the impending downhill slide of flavor and service. That remains to be seen. Several of my favorite places around town have changed dramatically over time without any transfer of ownership. Some have changed hands and still done well. Only time will really answer that one.

So, go ahead. Chill out with an ale from some non-10 Barrel local brewery as you lounge on your Pier One sofa watching basketball on your Best Buy big screen TV, crunching East Coast chips that you picked up at Target and fling self righteous words at some Bend boys who sold their business to a large company. Just know that your words imply that you support local even at significant cost to yourself. Know that those words smell like bullsh*t.

—Eva Gill

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