Some of your readers may be interested in taking a look at the recently passed "American Jobs and Closing Tax Loophole Act" currently pending in Congress. The part I found most interesting is the closing of offshore tax loopholes to large corporations.
I begin with a question regarding the Constitution and the Declaration. My friend Carlos Wysling, with his great political articles, notes: African [Americans] were protected under these two documents.
This weekend, 19-year-old Shelby Ross will ride into the Sister's Rodeo Arena on the back of her 18-year-old gelding, Boss, fulfilling her lifelong dream of being the Sisters Rodeo Queen.
Last Band Standingthursday 10Last Band Standing is still going, and it’s finally the last round of the preliminaries, which will include some familiar names like Anastacia, Audiolized, Guy J.
Don't blink, the downtown area dining scene is morphing again. A pair of downtown stalwarts that includes the venerable Cork are passing the torch to a new generation of restaurateurs.
Being an English woman abroad, I feel more fondness for Russell Brand now when I see him pictured with Katy Perry in US Magazine than I did when he lived just down the road from me, drinking in the pub round the corner from my office.
Look. You have your opinions? And I have mine. HOWEVER! It must be stated—and you’re probably already well aware of the fact—that my opinion carries a weeeeeee bit more weight than yours.
Here we go again, trying to find an equitable solution to the ecological deadlock of the growing population of both pet and feral outdoor cats that destroy birds and other wildlife.
As the weather warms and the snow melts at higher elevations, trail users get more terrain to share. With almost 100 cars at Phil's trailhead at any given moment over Memorial Day weekend, spreading out the trail use is sorely needed.