Vol. 16, No. 16
Family Feud: Telfer-Knopp primary could tell us how far is too far for local GOP
The fight for the local and Oregon ballots.
By Eric Flowers
Getting Neat with Nature in Zion
Tara, our climbing correspondent, checks in from Zion, UT.
By The Source Staff
Helping Hands Needed For Scouts' Chicken Coop Raising
Dig this, it's The Dig
Phil's Expansion Gets Green Light
Grant will fund CO arts and culture map
Grant will fund a new Central Oregon arts and culture tourism map.
Council meeting tonight will not be boring
The council meeting tonight is so packed with stuff that people care about, you might actually want to make an appearance.
Hoodoo to Close Season with $15 Lifties
Bend picks new assistant city manager
City of Bend hires Jon Skidmore as assistant city manager.
NOSTRAFILMUS: Waiting for Godot
What matters is those words.
Alfalfa Neighbors Ask For Cell Tower Survey Help
Oregon A.G. to Take on BP Over Gulf Spill
Why Tart Mattered
Fond remembrance of a closed restaurant
May Primary Registration Deadline is Tuesday
Listen to Tracks from Eric Tollefson's New Album: Out today!
The Polar Ends is ready for a listen.
Coachella 2012 Recap!
A full slate of Coachella 2012 coverage! Features photos, videos, and more!
Local Food Getting Easier to Find
Two locally grown food-related organizations are launching parallel campaigns that aim to connect food buyer with local producer.
Getting Gored by Pronghorn Again
Pronghorn builders aren't exactly keeping up to speed with the lodging units.
By Source Weekly
Disabled Community is No Food Cart Foe
In the article on proposed changes to Temporary Use Rules and Food Carts, reporter Erin Marlowe accurately describes me as a food cart junkie. I support the food cart cottage industry as a gear in Bend's economic engine,
Subterfuge At City Hall
An opinion about Bend's Surface Water Improvement Plan.
The Time Is Now
An opinion about the problems in the world today.
Arm-Wrestling Addiction: We went on the inside to see what it takes to go over the top
Arm wrestling is becoming a popular sport around the nation with plenty of competition to go against.
Our Picks for 4/19-4/25
Little Bites: Rejoice! Spring is here!
We're just on the cusp of a very short-lived fiddlehead season, and if you want to take advantage of these tender lovelies you'll have to act fast.
It's Time to Revisit Common Table: Scaffolding is down, and a new menu is up
Common Table isn't what you would typically expect when thinking of nonprofit dining, serving exceptionally crafted dishes to those in need.
Silver Moon Shakes it up
Tyler West from Oakshire Brewing is creating some tasty brews to kick off the new season.
Monsters on the Prowl: Cabin in the Woods changes all the rules in a genre busting good time
Kids in the woods horror movies are a pretty reliable genre. Evil Dead (1 and 2) being the best example of the formula.
By Morgan P Salvo
A Symphony of Destruction: The Raid: Redemption is a modern action classic
Iko Uwais stars in action-packed movie The Raid: Redemption.
By Jared Rasic
Fox Network: 25 Years of Stinko!
A humorous look at the past and upcoming shows that have and will appear on Fox.
By Wm.™ Steven Humphrey
Where Heavy Synthesizers and Light Beer Collide
All You All has a sound familiar to the Bend area with an Arcade Fire/Jack White feel.
By Brianna Brey
Here's the Story of a Band Called Yonder: Three reasons not to miss the band's yearly Bend spectacle
Yonder Mountain String Band will perform their bluegrass rock right here in Bend at the Midtown Ballroom.
Ski Crater Lake: An out and back in Oregon's national park
A little bit of what to expect when skiing around the wonders of Crater Lake.
Endless Summer Nights
@ Bend Park & Float
Sat., Sept. 14, 3-6:30 p.m.
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