Call for Virtual Event Submissions! | The Source Weekly - Bend

Call for Virtual Event Submissions!

Submit your virtual events for inclusion in our long-anticipated return to print

It's official!

As of May 15, Phase 1 reopening will be underway in Deschutes County - with social distancing guidelines and other restrictions still in place. While this does mean we can once again dine-in at our favorite restaurants and finally get those long-anticipated haircuts, Phase 1 still prohibits gatherings of 25 or more people.

Fortunately, many community members have hopped aboard the 'virtual events' train, and as a result we've found new, innovative ways to stay entertained and connected while actively honoring guidelines.
click to enlarge Call for Virtual Event Submissions!
The Source Weekly
Don't forget to submit your virtual events to our free events listing page HERE. We are excited to announce that we will be going back to print next week, and we are looking for local, virtual events for our weekly Picks page! For the opportunity to be considered, be sure to submit your events by Monday.

Email [email protected] with any questions!