Kroger Campaign Greens Up | The Source Weekly - Bend

Kroger Campaign Greens Up

John Kroger seems to be shaping up as the environmentalists' choice to be Oregon's next attorney general.

John Kroger seems to be shaping up as the environmentalists' choice to be Oregon's next attorney general.

Kroger already has been endorsed by the Oregon chapter of the Sierra Club, and last week he picked up endorsements from more than 20 of the state's environmental leaders, including Mac Lacy, staff attorney for the Oregon Natural Desert Association.

Earlier in the week, Peter Rothberg on The Nation's blog had high praise for Kroger's progressive stands, especially on environmental issues:

"His environmental agenda is especially strong, focusing on targeting chronic corporate polluters and lobbying for stiffer penalties for environmental infractions. He wants to use the state's criminal laws 'to put the worst polluters in jail. That's never been done in the state, and we're going to do it.' He's even threatened to partner with environmental organizations and take the federal government to court unless it curbs what he says is the Bush Administration's reckless flouting of our nation's environmental protection, endangered species, and forestry laws."