Judy's Alarm Clock | The Source Weekly - Bend

Judy's Alarm Clock

This week represents the start of our month-long election coverage and we thought we'd kick it off with a big WTF for Judy Stiegler's campaign

This week represents the start of our month-long election coverage and we thought we'd kick it off with a big WTF for Judy Stiegler's campaign

and its patently annoying use of the ubiquitous alarm clock buzzer in its radio spots. The alarm sounds eerily similar to the one that Upfront had on our nightstand for years and hearing it in the middle of the day on the radio is the auditory equivalent of someone tossing an ice-cold bucket of water in my face. Yes, it gets my attention, but it also provokes my ire. In fact, it downright pisses me off. The only thing that torques us more is the prospect of listening to it ad nauseum for another month. Seriously Judy, it's time to hit the snooze button on this stinker. Here's hoping you didn't actually pay anyone real American dollars to come up with the idea.