Staying Put: Story of a little girl lost has a happy ending | The Source Weekly - Bend

Staying Put: Story of a little girl lost has a happy ending

Local youth does the right thing while lost on local trails.

By Bob Woodward

This past Sunday mountain biking the loop trail around Shevlin Park I came on a young girl standing beside her bike at a trail/road.

“Waiting for your mom and dad, “I asked.

“Just my mom, “she replied, “we became separated and they told me at school that you should always stay in one place if something like this happens.”

Turns out the girl (we’ll call her Sarah) was 10, not panicky but growing more concerned.

While trying to determine what to do next, a group of three male riders in their mid to late thirties came riding by. I asked them to keep an eye out for a woman runner who might be looking for a lost child.

They agreed and headed off only to return minutes later and offer more help. One of the riders knew one of Sarah’s school teachers which was a calming influence. He then got Sarah to give him her mother’s cell phone number. The phone was off, but he left a long message as to where we were and had Sarah reassure her mother that she was o.k.

After ascertaining that Sarah’s mom’s car was parked at the Park’s entrance, we collectively decided to escort her there. We headed down the trail-three men in front and me following Sarah encouraging her on rough sections of the trail.

When we all got the south end of the park near Fremont Meadow, the trio of male riders took Sarah down the road in hopes of finding her mother. I took the trail along the west side of the park hoping to intercept anyone looking for Sarah.

The trio escorting Sarah got a phone call and a rendezvous was made.

All’s well that ends well and kudos to Sarah for staying put and staying calm. And thanks to the three mystery men who interrupted their ride and stepped up big time.

Hopefully this blog post will reach them and know that the first round is on me when we next meet.