Occupy Wall Street Comes to Bend | The Source Weekly - Bend

Occupy Wall Street Comes to Bend

Bend, Oregon gets into the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

Today at 4:30 p.m. a group in Bend is going to (almost literally) occupy Wall Street.

The Central Oregon Peace Network circulated an email last night announcing a gathering in front of the Bank of America at the corner of Wall Street (get it?) and Newport Avenue to coincide with the Occupy Wall Street protests that have been taking place for three weeks now in New York.

Those protests have inspired other gatherings around the country, including gatherings in Portland and Eugene this week.

COPN says that, depending on turn out, the protest may move around the downtown area...during Art Walk. Could get exciting downtown tonight.

UPDATE: To avoid confusion -- this is not connected to the Occupy Bend General Assembly taking place in Drake Park on October 15 (noon-3pm). We'll have more on that demonstration coming soon.

Photo via Flickr/waywuwei