Over the past month, a few reports have bubbled out of Utah that a new dinosaur has been discovered. A close evolutionary relative to three-horned triceratops, the so-called nasutoceratops is distinguished by a massive and garish nose. “It looks like a giant bull with a parrot beak,” one paleobiologist told an NPR reporter. “It has a face that only a mother could love.”
What do dinosaurs have to do with your choices for Bend’s Best Of? Nothing much, we suppose, except that we love them! We love them more than a mother velociraptor ever could. Just as our readers seem to love our local businesses, places, food and beer.
And they are timeless, just as we hope our reader’s Best Of choices will be.
This year sees many repeat winners, proving that good food and great service never go extinct. This year also welcomes a good number of newcomers. Like the “new” nasutoceratops, there is always more room at the table for one more.
For a full list of the winners, See our compilation list, or click through below or on the left for full details.