City Councilor Jodie Barram to Run for County Commissioner | The Source Weekly - Bend

City Councilor Jodie Barram to Run for County Commissioner

We just got word that Jodie Barram, who's been a Bend city councilor since 2008 and is the current mayor pro tem, is running for Deschutes County Commissioner. Barram, a Central Oregon native and democrat, will oppose incumbent Tony DeBone in the May 20 primary.

From the press release:

“I’m running for Deschutes County Commissioner because I’m compelled to continue working on a regional level to help find positive solutions for the future,” Barram said today of her announcement. “As your County Commissioner I will focus on enhancing our economy, expanding higher education and while ensuring livability and engaging in regional partnerships. It is essential that we show leadership and focus on the Commission to address issues of land use and job creation. We can make Deschutes County more livable for working families.”

We're excited to see a smart, experienced leader enter the race. Also, a person with compassion. Remember when, in 2011, Barram donated her curly locks to Locks of Love?