Allie Brosh Reading | The Source Weekly - Bend

Allie Brosh Reading

Hilarious local author and artist releases first book

"Internet famous" cartoonist, writer and generally hilarious human being Allie Brosh is blowing up. "Hyperbole and a Half," her web comic and blog attracted the attention of the internet-fiends of Reddit a few years back and now her site generates nearly 17 million hits monthly and her drawings have been converted into coveted internet memes. Her online success spurred an analog version of her art, Hyperbole and a Half (the book), with stories about her dog, her goofy behavior and childhood. Her most popular posts tackle her ongoing fight with depression with boxy, MS Paint drawings of her pointy blonde ponytail and pink dress. She was recently interviewed by Terri Gross on NPR's "Fresh Air" and secured her spot as one of's 50 most creative minds of 2013.

AND she lives right here! In Bend, Oregon!

Allie Brosh Reading and Book Signing

Nov. 22, 7 pm.

Barnes and Noble, 2690 NE Hwy 20
