Art Watch 6/10-6/17 | The Source Weekly - Bend

Art Watch 6/10-6/17

Call for artists to paint storm drains

When stormwater washes down the drain, it can be easy to forget about what happens next—out of sight, out of mind. But it often makes its way into the Deschutes River, that same body of water that is home to fish, frogs, and—at least in the summer months—floating humans.

A new partnership is hoping to raise awareness of the connection between the water running down our streets and the water flowing through our waterways. The City of Bend's Arts, Beautification, and Culture (ABC) Commission, in partnership with the City of Bend Stormwater Utility and the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council's Stream Stewardship Day is launching a Storm Drain Art Contest as part of its new "Clean Water Works" campaign.

The City is inviting artists to submit proposals and sketches for storm drain paintings to "educate the public about the connection between our street storm drains, the Deschutes River, and beyond" with the theme "It's All Connected!—Protecting the Deschutes River from stormwater pollution."

As many as three artists will be selected by ABC Commission members to paint storm drains around the Deschutes sometime before the annual Stream Stewardship Day river cleanup on August 8. Though artists will not be paid for their work, they may be reimbursed for project-related expenses up to $300.

To apply, submit proposals, roughs, and sketches for a 6-foot by 6-foot project using acrylics by June 19 to Robyn Christie, the City's ABC liaison, at [email protected] or submit by mail to City of Bend, ABC Commission, 710 NW Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701. Proposal requirements are lengthy and include design concepts, maintenance requirements, plan for cleanup, materials, etc. For full submission guidelines, visit