The Cannabis Experience | The Source Weekly - Bend

The Cannabis Experience

Home growing, dispensaries and extraction

In this new era of legal cannabis, Oregonians are among the first to experience the end of prohibition. The cannabis plant grows wild in many climates, hence the nickname weed. It's also known as grass, marijuana, pot, ganga and bud, among other names. It is made from the dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. There is a broad range of THC (delta-9 tetrahydro-cannainol) content to be found in legal cannabis, from the non-psychoactive hemp, with less than one percent THC, to high-THC marijuana, above 20 percent. For those interested in home growing, dispensary products, THC and extraction techniques, the following articles will be of special interest, with thanks to local cannabis businesses for providing interviews.

Take a look at the inaugural Cannabis Issue:

What the Puck?

Cannabis Dispensaries in Bend

OIHFA Supports HB 4060

High Standards in Bend

Home Grown Horticulture

Hemp Legislation - It's Time

Oregon Legislature

Smoke Signals