Another Accolade from Outside Mag | The Source Weekly - Bend

Another Accolade from Outside Mag

Bend wins again in... wait for it... a beer category

When looking for an excellent brew in Bend, craft brewery Crux is the obvious choice. Or Deschutes, or GoodLife, or Boneyard Beer, or Silver Moon, or Worthy or 10 Barrel….

Maybe that’s why Outside magazine deemed Bend one of the best towns in the U.S. to make a beer run in 2018.

Bonus: if a beer run is not your pace, you can go for a ride with the Cycle Pub instead. 
Another Accolade from Outside Mag
Kevin Gifford
Whatever your flavor, it's no secret that Bend has beer. Lots of beer.

Featured in Outside magazine’s Best Places to Live issue, Bend claimed the prize for the ‘highly successful habit’ of having a multitude of craft breweries, along with Roanoke, Va. (soon home to Deschutes' east coast brewery), Mills River, N.C., Philadelphia, Grand Rapids, Mich., Milton, Del. and Middlebury, Vt.

It’s not the first time Bend has been recognized; named Bend among the top 10 beer cities in the U.S., and Outside magazine recognized Bend in 2016 and 2017 for the Best Towns because of the outdoor opportunities and breweries—along with nods in other years in various categories. In short, it seems Outside definitely has the stoke for Bend.

Bend shows off its breweries through the Bend Ale Trail, featuring 20 stops and the largest beer trail in the west. It’s also home to the now-nationwide Deschutes Brewery and 10 Barrel.

Hood River, Ore. also earned a spot on the list for sustainable growth of their brewing industry and Portland, Ore., got a nod for the best place to work remotely.