There's a lot to be said for being able to get food right from your backyard. Usually this means from a garden or local farm, but what if it meant a delicious slab of meat fresh off the road?
Well, that will be possible starting in 2019. Starting New Year's Day, Oregonians will legally be able to eat their road kill.
If you happen to be unlucky enough to come in contact with a deer or elk on the road, the vehicle damage probably won't be niceābut you might also end up with dinner. Within 24 hours of salvaging the deer or elk, you must submit an application for permit. You can't, however submit the permit before your roadkill appears, due to needing the location and time of the salvage. You'll also need to give any antlers to the state's wildlife agency.
This isn't a first for the U.S. Around 20 other states have some variation of the law, all with their own rules and regulations.
And no, you can't intentionally hunt for roadkill with your car. That is still very much illegal.
I personally will probably stick to the grocery store, but more options never killed anyone. Well, except for that deer of course.