bradb | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Member since Apr 20, 2019


  • Posted by:
    bradb on 04/20/2019 at 12:07 PM
    Hi my name is Brad. about 25 years ago I met a man named Ralph Pabst. He was author and publisher of the Augary Press in a small town in Oregon. We became friends. He wrote a book called my aunt Kate. Refering to Klondike Kate. He was her sole heir and over time I acquired many personal items of Kate Rockwell. aka Klondike Kate. These included many miniatures made of copper, Fine jewelry, a chicken feather fan with wooden handle and other misc. Most of the fine jewelry, I sold to collectors and also most of the miniatures. I still have the fan and verification from Ralph Pabst. possibly some other small items. And of course a copy of the book that Ralph wrote to honor his Aunt Kate. Any history buffs out there who might wish to own the remaining items may contact me by email. [email protected]