GingercatM | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Member since Jun 6, 2019


  • Posted by:
    GingercatM on 10/10/2019 at 10:36 AM
    Kudos? Really?
    Hey for a Lot of people those bags are Not just Single Use. They get used for trash can liners or litter box scooping.
    The Kudos should go to the stores that stop wrapping palate loads with miles of plastic wrap, the stores that don't throw recyclable plastics into the garbage can every day.
    Oh, that's right, grocery stores have NO recycling responsibilities! They can throw away as many single use plastics into our full landfills, it's the customers who should be punished!
    I worked at one, I know first hand!
    It's ridiculous that employees who bag groceries are not taught how to utilize the plastic bags appropriately. It's not the customers fault that every employee at the grocery store shoves any little thing into a bag, I have told employees many a Time that certain items didn't need to go into a bag. Not every customer speaks up though.
    There is a much bigger problem that we are missing the focus of, customers of a grocery store should not have to foot the bill, or worry about if they have enough reusable bags to get their groceries home.
    The focus should be on having all of these large corporations recycle their single-use Plastics and stop making so much waste in our landfills!
    Why has that never been an issue!?!?!!
  • Posted by:
    GingercatM on 07/27/2019 at 11:02 PM
    Let's explain to the OHA why low income people smoke, because it's one of the few joys they get out of life!
    Why does the OHA spend so much time and money harassing TOBACCO users (vapor crap is a joke), yet never investigates Obesity, Alcoholism, unplanned children, etc. with the angle of taxing more people??
    Why do tobacco users have to pay so many taxes!? Now you want to punish the retailers on top of that!?
    They already pay some sort of property tax at the least.
    What a joke.
    People stop letting the government take control of your lives.