Dan Bertucci | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Member since Dec 29, 2016


  • Posted by:
    Dan Bertucci on 12/29/2016 at 11:13 PM
    Many extremely ignorant comments here. I grew up in the bay area until I was 18 and then moved to Bend, been here since 1978/79. After a short stay in the military I came back to Bend and have been here ever since. The crime rates here are extremely low. So low in fact that when someone is killed its the talk of the town for weeks, even month's or years. As Bend grows and people from larger cities come here, the crime rates are increasing respectively, and its not the longtime locals who are committing the bulk of these crimes, its the newbs.
    People choosing NY or Chicago over Bend Oregon for "peace of mind" or security reasons are laughable, at best, the sheer thought of it is absurd when one looks at the crime rates of these cities.
    Bend Oregon rocks! After being in business here for over 20 years and putting my kid through school, I can safely say that I know and do business with all sorts of people, and most every last one of them are great, caring, friendly and honest human beings. I suggest that most of the commentators here are severely lacking in both the number of people known in and around Bend, and the long term history to be able to comment intelligently. Or... that they are the problem. Some people cannot and will not ever get along, no matter where they go, but especially in a smaller community where you have to actually communicate and see the same people from day to day. Yea, try again on Bend Oregon... An excellent place to live!