WinstonGreene | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Member since Apr 29, 2018


  • Posted by:
    WinstonGreene on 04/29/2018 at 4:13 PM
    I attended this school - all of the allegations I have heard are undeniably true. Young girls were sexualized and forced to wear fishnet stockings and french maid costumes. After dancing and acting sexually towards their peers as they were coerced to do by the staff at this so called school, they were told what sluts they were, and how they needed to analyze their relationships with the opposite sex. Doing this to teenage rape survivors is especially egregious. Students were encouraged to enact abuse upon fellow students, unspeakable things were said to others in the name of "therapy," although they were always careful not to use the word therapy, but instead called it all "group," due to legal reasons. They were not trained therapists. They were random people who found themselves working in rural Oregon and calling themselves "coordinators," or a variety of other titles. Of course, now many of them list "therapist" in their list of work experience, and I know for a fact that some continue to work with children to this day, which disturbs me greatly. What went on at this school was absolutely not OK and objectively immoral, the older I get the more sure I become of this conclusion. I'm sure many of the staff members convinced themselves of the ultimate morality of their actions, but the truth remains. Reread the first 2 sentences of this post and honestly tell me that was not morally wrong. It was really screwed up, and shame on any adult who convinced themselves that such actions were justified. They were wrong. You were wrong. Even if you had good intentions, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.