Gregg Powell | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Member since Sep 8, 2017


  • Posted by:
    Gregg Powell on 09/08/2017 at 7:15 PM
    I have pack rats in my shed. The first time I caught one in a live trap - I did relocate it. But as soon as I let it out of the trap a few miles from the house - it made a bee line for the tire of my idling truck. chased it from tire to tire. finally after a minute - I drove away, but kept wondering if it jump up into my truck before I took off. Now, I drop the trap in a n 8 gallon bucket of water and drown them. Since the fleas are a concern, I'm going to start drowning them in diesel fuel - that will kill the rat, and the fleas. I took mine to relocate it the first time because I promised my daughter I would not kill it. Stupid me. All you dummies out there relocating them.... just kill the damn things. They are disease infested rats for heavens sake.