"The Independents" tells the story of three struggling solo-artists who collide at the same crossroads and discover harmony. Thus is born “RGB” (at least until they come up with a better band name) and what follows is their roller-coaster-ride journey across America for a one last shot at musical glory. Starring real-life bandmates RICH PRICE, GREG NAUGHTON & BRIAN CHARTRAND of THE SWEET REMAINS (50 Million Spotify plays), the film was inspired by their real-life experiences together -- and, of course, the music!
After an award-winning festival run, the film made its general release Feb 26th, 2021 , garnering more raves for its "frequent and fabulous musical numbers" (The L.A. Times) and fun, offbeat storytelling. (Rotten Tomatoes rating 100%,! Audience reviews 97%!)