Veronica Nakulski | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Member since May 23, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Veronica Nakulski on 09/09/2017 at 11:20 AM
    People are filthy that is why some animals carry disease. Rats have purpose. They break down garbage that people create and leave on the ground or do not properly dispose of.
    Rats and every other creature own the earth and were here long before people came and decided they own it. The fact is they are here to stay and people should evolve and adapt. Learn to deal with nature in a respectful way. Obviously I cant change or stop the killing the painful methods of rats suffering due to poisoning and drowning etc. Rats have families. They protect their young unless they are starving..they may eat their babies. They want nothing from people just to be left alone.
    There are deterents other methods to try.
    Im pretty sure sure if you believe in a higher power that killing any sentient being is a sin against nature.
    People who dont want to live around rats should consider living in a high rise building.
    Funny how people kill what they dont like.insects..etc..we just fill the earth w poison.
    I guess its human nature and all its flaws.
  • Posted by:
    Veronica Nakulski on 05/23/2014 at 8:33 AM
    om goodness all these statistics....for real? come on.... humans started all the hub bub when we socialized and tamed creatures now we want to kill them cuz we screwed up..and now there are so many...blah blah blah... I live in the city - I see hundreds of migratory gorgeous birds of all kinds hit building windows...what to do? shoot the architects that wont work with conservationists to use different materials that wont attract birds? Aids is passed on from human to human.. should we kill them too? so we can save our children from contracting it? Statistics are skewed according to political beliefs and so on...intelligent compassionate evolved humans keep animal companions inside- trap neuter rehome or release and manage the feral colony, when the feral becomes ill- it is the colony caretakers responsibility to either make sure that cat is properly treated by a vet or if quality of life is threatened by an illness or disease, gentle euthanasia is the way to go.
  • Posted by:
    Veronica Nakulski on 05/23/2014 at 8:21 AM
    Um..Im pretty sure the packrats and any other "unwanted" creature was here first. The earth is theirs not ours. We are the godzillas that destroy habitats, poison the air, water and land. Humans are supposed to put their brains to use, either leave nature alone or help it survive whether its on your property or not.
    Compared to human waste and destruction, rats of all kinds deserve more respect. They have close knit families- no dead beat dads I bet and they dont go around killing each other unless they are starving. Which I totally get.
    With all the intelligent compassionate humans out there why don't we come up with a co-existing solution? Why is it when a human hates or fears a creature they immediately kill or torture it to death? Barbarism should have gone out with the stone age..but I guess its here to stay..
    My opinion of course and I sleep well because I accept that I am just here to visit and do good not kill.