At times, we may feel completely inadequate when it comes to being the change we'd like to see in this world. Maybe that's because racism is so deep-seated in our culture that realistically, it may take generations before the world sees any recognizable shift in equality. In our homogenous region of Central Oregon, where exposure to racial differences is rare, as parents, we have an extremely important job.
That job is to plant the seed. Children are sponges who soak up the ideals of those around them, especially their families. Parents must be role models that pave the way for their children's future activism. We must not ignore racial differences, imagining a world where our children see no color, but instead, share the histories and tragic stories of minorities in our country. Only if our children understand these traumas, may they someday, work to heal our culture. Love and tolerance do not grow out of nothing.
• Read to your children to create an opportunity for discussion.
• Travel with your children to create awareness of cultural differences (difficult at this time, but possible in the future).
• Discuss the protests with your children.
• Discuss white privilege and what it means.
Don't miss Kids in Action, where local teen, Jade Jager, stands up by organizing Black Live Matter protests here in Bend.
What will the school year look like come September? At the time of this printing, cases of COVID-19 are rising in Oregon and Portland schools will not reopen before November. It is likely that Bend LaPine schools will follow suit, with the majority of students back to online learning this fall (See Education).
Take time out to enjoy the day, stepping out of the chaos for a while. We're excited to list events and classes in our Calendar for ways to engage the whole family.
For a few laughs, check out Annette Benedetti's Feature, where she shares quirky quarantine tales.
In Family Time, Nancy Patterson takes us on a tour of the local farmer's markets and shares tips for involving children in creating a fun meal.
Why not set some family goals for exercise while encouraging kids to take on a little more responsibility? In Outdoors, commuting by bike opens the door for a new-found independence (even if the destination is no longer school).
Wishing you peace during these difficult times...