According to MLS data as of July 5, the median home sales price in Bend jumped from $420,000 in May to $449,900 in June. Sales volume was also up over May, with 225 sales reported for May and 259 for June 2018. This is a substantial price jump over a one-month period, representing about a 7 percent increase.
When compared to June 2017 however, the increase is about 10 percent on an annual basis. The average days on market for homes selling in June 2018 was 90 days as compared to 63 days in June 2017. Year to date sales for January to June 2018 came to 1,192 homes sold as compared to 1,143 homes sold for January to June 2017. The median price increased from $389,999 for the first six months of 2017 to $423,200 for the six months ending June 30, 2018, representing about an 8.5 percent increase.