Small Business Saturday drops this weekend, and in case you're wondering why it matters to support that locally owned shop down the street...
•For every $100 you spend at a local businesses, $52 stays in the community
•Buying local is environmentally responsible.
•We know you, and you know us. Studies have shown that local businesses donate to community causes at more than twice the rate of chains and online retailers.
Put those aside though and let this one sink in: If you made $500,000 each day since the invention of the printing press in 1439, you would still have less money than Amazon's Jeff Bezos. Get out there and show your support this Saturday for all the great local businesses that make Central Oregon so unique. If you choose to spend some of those dollars in a local indie bookshop, we humbly offer a few gift suggestions for the outdoor-loving reader on your list:
"The Great Alone: Walking the Pacific Crest Trail" by Tim Voors
Not your normal PCT book, this is the thru-hike as a physical, mental, and spiritual journey in a visually stunning format.
"Nomad" by Emma Reddington and "Skoolie" by Will Sutherland
Two great books showing how to live the mobile, off-the-grid, adventure seeking lifestyle we all wish we could have.
"She Explores: Stories of Life-Changing Adventures on the Road and in the Wild" by Gale Straub
A spirited celebration of female bravery and the ladies who are out there living life on their own terms.
"Hiking Historical Jefferson County Oregon" by Stan Pine It's not often we get a brand new Central Oregon guidebook to put on our shelves or toss in the van.