Oprah Talks to Lying Cheater, Gets Half Confession | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Oprah Talks to Lying Cheater, Gets Half Confession

You know what's (kind of) funny (but mostly sad)?

When I just Google-ed "what did Lance tell Oprah," before I could type "Oprah," Google auto-fills in "kids." As in, "what did Lance tell his kids?" Ouch. In all this hoopla over Lance Armstrong's doping confession, his back-and-forth pre-interviews with Oprah in Maui over Christmas holiday (rough life), etc. I failed to remember that this D-bag has kids.
What did he tell them? "Remember when I said I won a lot of big, important bike races? I didn't, really. Remember when I said telling the truth is important? Well..."

BUT! That's for him to work out. In the meantime the rest of us can play BINGOStrong while we watch the two-day special on Oprah's OWN channel tomorrow night (6pm PST and showing at Crow's Feet Commons, if, like me, you not only lack a TV you sure as shit don't subscribe to the OWN channel).

Favorite: I owe Greg LeMond a phone call.
  • Favorite: "I owe Greg LeMond a phone call."

But if you have better things to do that watch a disgraced Tour de France rider whine to Oprah (likely), then know this: the interview will reveal little.

“He did not come clean in the manner I expected,” Oprah said during a segment promoting the interview. Thanks Washington Post sports.

So on second thought, screw watching the interview. Show how little you care about this lying cheater by doing something pleasant, like hanging out with your kids, riding your bike, or playing real bingo.

"I prepared and prepared like it was a college exam." -Oprah

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