Side Notes 10/14-10/21 | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Side Notes 10/14-10/21

On Wednesday, Oct. 14, Central Oregon Health Council and Lines for Life—a suicide and substance prevention nonprofit—are teaming up to cultivate an action plan addressing prescription drug abuse. Deschutes County is sponsoring the summit, which will feature Oregon health authorities discussing alternative pain management, disposal of unused meds, and safe prescribing practices. According Deschutes County Commissioner Tammy Baney, "Non-medical use of prescription opiates is the fastest growing drug abuse problem facing Central Oregon." Educators, law enforcement, health professionals, and hospitals are urged to attend the event. Lines for Life CEO Dwight Holton said more than 100 million opioid pills are prescribed every year in Oregon. The summit will be held from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm in the Middle Sister Conference hall at the Deschutes County Fair and Expo Center in Redmond.

Geology, emergency, and preparedness experts will gather on Tuesday, Oct. 20 to discuss the potential impact of a Cascadia earthquake in Central Oregon. Shaken III will include a presentation exploring what an earthquake means for business owners and the Central Oregon community. Speakers include OSU Cascades Instructor and Geologist Daniele McKay—whose research focuses on volcanic activity. The most recent scientific research about the Cascadia subduction zone will be presented to the public. The event is free and includes a question and answer section. Tickets are available at The event begins at 7 pm at 835 NW Wall St.

The Bureau of Labor and Industries is holding a series of rulemaking hearings on Oregon's new protected sick time law. The advisory committee includes representatives from labor organizations, employers, legislators, and the farm and agriculture sector. The meeting will cover topics such as sick time accrual, when sick time must be paid, required employer notices, and purposes for leave. Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian said, "We want to hear from the public so that our agency can make the new protections work for employees and businesses alike." The second rulemaking hearing will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 20 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Deschutes Service Center (Barnes/Sawyer room), 1300 NW Wall St.

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