Spring Dreaming | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Spring Dreaming

One of the absolute best things about living in Bend is the weather. It is getting sunny out, the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and bugs are hurling themselves into your mouth as bike rides are now becoming a very real and serious choking hazard.

It’s the smell of the outdoors and the heat from the sun that really rustles up the romantic in me. Long walks and day drinking seem to call my name; luring me in and begging me to stay, but I can’t. I’ve got responsibilities. Stupid adulthood, why you gotta be like that?

When passing by our office you get to see a huge window.
Yes! Natural light! I love you! This, however, is an optical illusion,
made to look like a fish tank, but is in fact just a tease. Don’t get me wrong:
I love my job and I don't necessarily want people tapping on the glass or watching us work. It’s just when the sun starts shining like this I can’t help but
to reevaluate my life and wonder if I have enough guts and funds to just live
life as a traveling professional hobo. Reality check: Don’t be a hobo, you
don’t have the hair for it.

This what responsibility looks like. It looks like a computer in front of a brick wall. With the sun shining to my right and my mind wandering to the left. I do what is needed so that I may do what is wanted; and all I want is to get buzzed on some serious vitamin D.

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