The Dancing Little Caesars Lady has more Likes on FB than the Source | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

The Dancing Little Caesars Lady has more Likes on FB than the Source

The beloved dancing pizza saleswoman who boogies daily at the corner of Third St. and Reed Market has more Facebook 'likes' than the Source Weekly.


With 5,458 likes the Little Caesars Lady has double the likes of "Old Mill District Rock Chucks" (with an impressive 2,412 likes), and nearly five times as many likes as the "Bend Elks Baseball Club" (1,162 likes).

Photo from Rock on, Bend Little Caesars lady! Facebook page
  • Photo from "Rock on, Bend Little Caesars lady!" Facebook page

We're good sports so we want to offer our congratulations to Little Caesars Lady, we salute you!

But if you do have a moment, Source readers, perhaps like our Facebook so we can compete. Like here! Thanks!

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