The GOP's Human Pinata | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

The GOP's Human Pinata

Pity Tucker Bounds, U of O grad and John McCain's spokesman for the state of Oregon. Beating up on him has become a favorite pastime

Pity Tucker Bounds, U of O grad and John McCain's spokesman for the state of Oregon. Beating up on him has become a favorite pastime of the media ... both left and right.

It started when CNN's Campbell Brown grilled the boyish Bounds about Sarah Palin's qualifications and experience to be commander in chief. Bounds mumbled and fumbled and tried to deflect to a discussion of John McCain's qualifications, then talked about Palin's experience as commander of the Alaska National Guard. (Brown quickly pointed out that governors don't command Guard units when they're in combat zones, such as Iraq.)

The Bounds-bashing continued with Norah O'Donnell of MSNBC getting her whacks in, and then Megyn Kelly of Fox News - FOX NEWS! - taking her best shots.

"Bounds has become a human piñata like [former White House Press Secretaries] Ari Fleischer and Scott McClellan before him, as the media hold him responsible for the crimes of his boss, who they can't get at," comments, which has put together an amusing video pastiche of the three interviews.

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