The Traveling Camera: The Crossbill | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

The Traveling Camera: The Crossbill

A photo of a crossbill bird, caught in a rare moment of stillness.

Birds have a strange sense of humor. They always pose for you when they know you have a cappuccino in your hand and the camera far away. Then once you spilled your milk, raced across the room to fetch your gear and you're ready, they take off.  So as a serious photographer, you live with your camera ready. This crossbill has been teasing me for some days but this time I was ready with my 500mm lens set on a tripod.

He was sitting on his favorite perch where he likes to land before descending on to the bird feeder. I could shoot several frames before he took off.  The slightly overcast day was perfect for the lighting.  The soft light helped flash out the yellow colors of the feathers. I further enhanced the contrast and colors through the curves section in Photoshop.

To view more of local photographer Christian Heeb's photography, check out his website at

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