Two State Senators Push to Raise Oregon's Speed Limit | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Two State Senators Push to Raise Oregon's Speed Limit

An amendment to a state senate bill could increase Oregon's speed limit.

In a press release sent out today from the offices of Oregon state Senators Jason Atkinson (R-Central Point) and Bruce Starr (R-Hillsboro), the two lawmakers say they want to raise Oregon's speed limit.

They are looking to raise the speed limit on highways and interstates to as high as 75mph for passenger vehicles and 60 for commercial vehicles. The current speed limit on most highways is 55mph and 65mph on interstates, and these relatively low limits (when compared to other states), have long been a source of complaints from Oregonians and out-of-state drivers alike.

Starr and Atkinson plan to achieve the higher limit by amending a bill currently in front of the senate's Business, Transportation and Economic Development committee.

“Oregon is the odd one out when it comes to the nation’s speed limits,” said Starr. “By modernizing our speed limit we can increase the flow of traffic, lower commute times and fast track commerce through the state.”

It will be interesting to see if drivers welcome the higher limits -- should this pass -- given that rolling down at highway at around 80, which would be where plenty of drivers would set their own limit, would make that $4-gallon gas disappear at an even higher rate.

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