Bend's Pregnant Man is in the world news again - he's expecting another child in June and was the subject of a TV documentary in Britain - which inspired blogger Tim Teeman of The Times of London to comment on the alleged weirdness of Bend's name.
"Some places, just because of their names, are meant to have strange things happen in them: Bend, Oregon, is one of them," Teeman writes.
Hello? What's so strange about "Bend"? Okay, in addition to the Pregnant Man we're also home to the Lawn Chair Balloonist and what may well be the world's only housing development inspired by The Lord of the Rings, but what's bizarre about our little town's name in itself?
And if Teeman thinks "Bend, Oregon" is weird, what would he have to say about the Oregon towns of Boring, Drain and Fossil?
For that matter, where does somebody from a country with towns named "Newcastle-upon-Tyne," "Stoke-on-Trent," "Gloucester" (pronounced "Gloster") and "Leicester" (pronounced "Lester") get off poking fun at Bend, Oregon?
So don't take this personally, old chap, but ... sod off.