Letter of the Week: What Are You Afraid Of? | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Letter of the Week: What Are You Afraid Of?

It's campaign season, and that's evident based on the assault of television and radio political ads that are dropping as the nation girds for this

It's campaign season, and that's evident based on the assault of television and radio political ads that are dropping as the nation girds for this important election. This week's Letter of the Week underscores just how strong the feelings are running on both sides of the ticket. Thanks for the letter, Mr (s) Evans, you can pick up your $25 gift certificate to Dinners Ready by emailing the Source at [email protected] or stopping by our office, 704 NW Georgia.

They've done it again. I knew they would. Some (A)hole McCain supporter stole my "Obama/Biden" yard sign. I bought that sign. They don't give those out, so it's not like he or she stole a value-less door hanger. Maybe the taker feels justified. Republicans tend to see enemies everywhere, and where there's enemies, there's evil, and evil is not to be tolerated or negotiated with; it is to be destroyed.

Republicans see an enemy in Barack Obama. They genuinely fear what might happen if he becomes president, as if they haven't given us anything to be concerned about during their ongoing tenure. Let me be the first to say, if the rest of us can survive eight years of Bush/Cheney (and it remains to be seen), I don't wanna hear one syllable of bitch or moan when Obama's elected President. Not one peep. And to the moron who stole my yard sign because he feels he had the right, being at war with an evil enemy and all, I have just one thing to say.

You're a thief and I'm a better American than you.

J Evans, Bend

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