In reply to "A Logical Breakdown of the Dam," (News, 12/19)
Views. The Bend Paddle and Trails Alliance presentation was interesting. We are told we can "have our cake and eat it too." Really. What was left out is the fact that this particular cake costs. No free dessert. A member of the "Save Mirror Pond Committee" tells us the simplest solution is to repair the dam. Really. Apparently, he lives on Mirror Pond. No conflict there. Why do we have these endless discussions and presentations with no explanation of what these options will cost? Does anyone else recall a decision was made to leave the question of dredging off the ballot measure, which barely passed, to fund the Colorado Crossing project, build an unneeded ice rink and purchase a whole ranch north of town just to get access to extend the River Trail because it was felt the dredging proposal would sink the whole ballot issue? Now the Ad-Hoc Committee wants to spend $25,000 for its own study on costs of repairing and maintaining Pacific Power's dam. Guess Pacific Power engineers and cost analysts are not competent enough for their opinions to be trusted. Does Warren Buffett know his people can't be relied upon? Is this $25k to come from public funds or is it privately provided? If private, doesn't the public have a right to know who is pulling the wool? Just some views.
—Pam Lico
In reply to "Shiver me Timbers," (Boot, 1/9)
Given the entrenched, ideological positions of both the logging industry and the environmentalists, and given the progressive and fair track record of Senator Wyden over many years, I suggest that a more objective opinion of a plan that bolsters the rural economy and conserves certain high-value forest land, while making neither side happy, is that it is realistically the best we are likely to ever do in addressing the problem with the O&C lands. You should instead be giving the Slipper to Wyden and asking why both sides always insist on everything being their way or continuing the existing system that doesn't work. You might at least explain why, as you imply, we have to reach a comprehensive agreement on how to best use all the Federal lands in the Western US (much of which is fundamentally different from the lands at issue) just to fix the obvious problem with the O&C lands—or what a natural resources plan for the 21st century might look like—before condemning someone who has worked very far to reach across the aisle in a broken system.
—DJ Hurricane
In reply to: "Town Hall Talks," (News, 1/09/14)
The print edition of this article includes one of those silly playing card things about US Senator Ron Merkley. Really? Ron Merkley? Does anybody there proofread anything anymore? Do any of these ridiculous errors bother you at all? I didn't think so.
— Michael Funke
A letter to Mt. Bachelor
The first time I held a season pass for Mount Bachelor it was still known formally as Bachelor Butte. That was 1973 and I was 10 years old.
Most recently, I hold a pass for this 2013/2014 season. Forty years have passed from then until now and many things have changed. More terrain has been opened up for skiers/riders on the mountain, more lifts, more lodges, more parking. These are all good things and necessary in order to accommodate the many and growing number of visitors each winter season.
Something else has happened up there at Mount Bachelor during the past 40 years. It seems the top tier of management has forgotten that they are running a ski resort. They are doing a piss-poor job of making the place available to the people who are laying out a significant amount of money for the privilege of what..? Parking alongside the highway? Waiting in massive lift lines because there are only four lifts open, two of which access only base level terrain?
When I am met with this kind of pitiful effort I ask myself, "what did I pay $840 for?" Apparently, none of that money goes toward paying a competent management to direct a competent staff of employees to open a ski resort that happens to be, Oh My God!, caught in a snowstorm!
I am really tired of reading the conditions report and finding the same old tired alibis and excuses that add up to the same old tired message: Mount Bachelor is the most awesome place to be...if only the weather was more cooperative!
—Michael Ingram
Letter of the Week!
Thanks, Michael. Though it would take 167 more of them to make up for your season pass, we hope this $5 gift certifictae to Crow's Feet Commons is a little balm to ease the pain of your winter blues. Swing by our office to pick it up.