In reply to "Too Many Dogs in Too Many Places" (Opinion, 6/20)
I am very much aware that Bend is a kid town. I have friends and family who have kids and for the most part we tolerate each other. I do not have a kid, nor do I want one. However, it is getting totally out of hand to go into a hardware store, garden store, grocery store, dining establishment, etc., and have to contend with a kid either in a shopping cart or a large handbag or on a leash. None of these critters were service kids. Trying to look at plants with a slobbering French kid next to me sent me out the door with a shrug from the clerk. A snapping ankle biter kid does not belong in a grocery store. It's bad enough when the blonde airhead walks on the River Trail with her kid's leash in her hand and stupidly proclaims that her kid is safe without being tethered. WTF??? Please, unless you need a service kid, remember that little Jimmy or whatever its name is does not belong in a public shopping venue.
In reply to "Too Many Kids in Too Many Places" (Opinion, 6/20)
Thanks, SC, for the analogy that most people won't get. Satire is lost on those targets.
In reply to "One Day at a Time" (Opinion, 6/20)
Thanks, Addie, for your letter about TSW's One Day at a Time page. Yeah, it dumbs down the paper. It insults the readers' intelligence. It is moderately offensive and entirely dismissible. I get all the news I need on LiLo , Kanye and The Beeb, Charlie Sheen and all things Kardashian waiting at the supermarket checkout. Please, won't you folks at TSW's editorial staff make an executive decision that this celebrity worship drivel is beneath you, and find something more worthy to fill that space? And somebody promote Ann Romano to the obit page.
In reply to "Oregonian Cuts Home Delivery to Four Days a Week" (Bent Blog, 6/21)
The Oregonian has been out of touch with reality for a while now. I'm not talking about the reality of the state of print media, but the reality of Oregon. Far too conservative in their editorializing and far too corporate-agenda driven in their reporting. And I won't even mention them protecting Neil Goldschmidt.
—DJ Hurricane
In reply to "Petroglyphs and Pictographs" (Natural World, 6/20)
Your recent article about rock art gives the distinct impression that the meaning of all rock art can be explained in two ways. I think that even Dr. James Keyser, the expert cited in the article, would disagree with such a sweeping conclusion.
I have studied rock art intensely for only about half the time as Keyser, but I know the reasons much of rock art was made are much more diverse. In fact, the subject is so complex that I found it necessary to write a short book to approach it as thoroughly as it demands. It includes the reasons in the article but goes far beyond in gaining an appreciation and understanding of these messages from the past. It is called "Understanding Meaning and Purpose of Rock Art" and is available at My first book, "Where to See Rock Art Oregon, Washington and Idaho" is also available there.
For those interested in gaining further insight into the subject may want to check out some of the 10,000-plus photos on my website or read a detailed description of my studies at
—D. Russel Micnhimer, Prineville
In reply to "Hiking for a Higher Cause" (Outside, 6/20)
It's a bit ironic that Sage is doing part of this route by bicycle in order to raise support for creating new wilderness areas, which of course will prohibit bicycles. Perhaps the reason Oregon has less land designated as wilderness is that more of Oregon does not meet the definition of wilderness: "A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain." Don't get me wrong, I believe in protecting public land from exploit. But until there is some compromise that recognizes bicycles as a low-impact way to visit some of these areas I will not be jumping on this bandwagon. Wilderness designation is far too often abused as a way to block out everyone but hikers and horses.
In reply to "To Log or Not to Log" (Opinion, 6/13)
I can summarize exactly what Karen Coulter and the Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project are advocating when they fight projects like this: a continuation of the status quo that resulted in the deaths of two people and the loss of 502 homes (as of this writing) in Colorado just this week. Doing nothing puts us all at risk. Period, end of story.
If—scratch that—WHEN there is a fire in the Deschutes Collaborative Forest Restoration area, it is almost certain that I and dozens of people I care about will be there, putting our lives on the line to protect your homes from the fire. This project makes that a much, much safer and more easily accomplished job. Please support it now so you don't have to worry about us or your own lives and properties later.
—Eric Metzger
In reply to "Sipping is for Suckers" (Chow, 6/13)
Good job, Phil. No dates, no times, the actual name of the event isn't mentioned...And you don't provide a link to the event website to figure this out for ourselves. Half the article is about what you and the Source staff thought of the free booze you scored. Maybe sober up a bit before your next article?
(Editor's note: Please look at pg. 49. Hiccup.)
In reply to "Floating Toward a Solution" (News, 6/20)
James, Option C2 is mentioned a couple of times in your article. Unfortunately C2 is not one of the four options being considered and is only the fallback for Option C1. The public doesn't have the chance to choose it on the questionnaire.
—Spencer Dahl
Option E: Make needed upgrades to the power station to make preservation of the dam worthwhile and preserve Mirror Pond. Forget fish ladders and other moronic considerations that are not even worthy of mention.
—Jon Jegglie
Jon Jegglie, so you're proposing to have Pacific Power "make needed upgrades to the power station to make preservation of the dam worthwhile and preserve Mirror Pond," even though it wouldn't make business sense for the company and that making these upgrades would allow the federal government to order the removal of the dam?
—Spencer Dahl
In reply to "The Good the Bad and the Noisy" (Feature, 6/20)
Sad to see the Horned Hand go. Always a good time to be had there. Wes and Callie are the best! Good luck with the meadery!!
(Editor's note: This may not ease the pain, but please accept two tickets to the up-and-coming indie group, Steve Miller Band.)