Letters to the Editor 08/18/2022 | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 08/18/2022


Last week's "Best of Central Oregon issue," published 8/11, included lists of the winners of our annual readers' poll. (The same list was printed twice; once as a complete list, and another broken up, with names and categories listed adjacent to stories about various winners.) One of those lists listed "Lounge" as the second-place winner in the Best Indoor Plant Shop category, omitting the entire name of "Desert Rose Cactus Lounge." Our apologies to Desert Rose. We regret the error.

Letters to the Editor 08/18/2022
Courtesy of @elisha.zep
Prime camping season is upon us! This tucked-away spot is looking right at Mt. Bachelor.

Spotted Frogs and Sacrifice

I live in this Spotted Frog corridor along the Upper Deschutes and it does not have to be a "SACRIFICE" "EITHER/OR" scenario. The healthy habitat concept is about not just frogs, or Eagles or Osprey, but about future generations and clean water and air. In planning the vision for our watershed, it must be taken into account that these impacts upstream have greater reaching long-term consequences downstream. BALANCE.

— Heidi Chapman Supkis

Munch and Music

Community participants had nowhere to park and received $50 tickets! Drinks at Drake Park were outrageously priced also. Main band, Precious Byrd played at 7:30, two hours of warm up band before they began. Very disappointed that an event that should have been a pleasant experience for the Central Oregon community was not.

—Cheryl McKernan

RE: The Endangered Monarch Natural World, 8/11

Thank you for your timely article on Monarchs. They are a visible symbol of our destruction of this planet and your article gives good advice on how to help them.  I planted showy milkweed a few yeas ago and it's doing very well.  It's not a particularly beautiful plant and it's taking over some of my ornamentals, but that's OK if it helps Monarchs. My problem: in the eight years we've lived here I haven't seen a single Monarch. I check my milkweed almost daily.  I've given them a banquet but no one has accepted the invitation.  Is there something more I can do?

—Karon V. Johnson

Editor's note: We passed Karon's note along to resident naturalist Jim Anderson and he had this to say:

Dear Karon,

Many thanks for your note of alarm over the situation on Planet Earth—our home away from Home. I get the same feeling when I return from a long drive with only two or three smashed insects on the windshield.

Thank you for the Monarch Wayside plantings. Our greatest hope is that milkweed will be allowed to proliferate again in Central California, so northern-bound Monarchs will reach Oregon in summer.

- Jim A.

RE: Vote to Secure Your Freedoms in

November & Leave Your Party Hat Agenda at the Door! Letters, 8/11

Ms. Chaffin's letter says it all about Congressman Bentz. A recent question I sent to him received no reply. It was, "Do you agree with AG Bill Barr when he says, 'To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.'"? In fact, Mr. Bentz continues to wink and nod at the democracy-destroying myth of a stolen election. Best he can do is parrot Trump's Jan. 7, 2021, video shoot: I don't want to say the election is over. I just want to say Congress has certified the results.

Another local politician who declined to answer a pointed question was Mr. Piper. He had nothing to say to my 2020 query about who he would be voting for in that year's Presidential election. Ms. Perullo, make sure you are not supporting a candidate who may very well have voted for another four years of the "trauma" you so rightfully decry.

—Foster Fell via bendsource.com

25th Anniversary

I just want to say congratulations and great job. I've lived in LA and San Diego. LA had two weekly independent papers. Both were "rags."  Muckraking and graphic classified ads for singles who want to hook up. San Diego's weekly paper was decent. But The Source is far and above in terms of serious reporting, community interest and just lots of fun stuff. I look forward to each new issue. Keep up the great reporting, writing and caring about our communities. 

—Cynthia Crossman

Letter of the Week:

Cynthia – Avid readers know I have recently declared that haikus (almost) always win Letter of the Week... but hot tip: Flattering the newspaper with comparisons to our big-city colleagues is also high on the guaranteed-Letter-of-the-Week list. Thanks for your kind words, and we'll keep plugging away!

—Nicole Vulcan

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