The Source Weekly - Bend

Letters to the Editor 12/17/20

Rent Moratorium Proposal, what’s ‘Extreme Risk’ Anyway?, an open letter to Gov. Kate Brown and ODE Director Colt Gill and Bend’s poor rating in LGBTQ equality

Dec 16, 2020 13:00 PM

Editor's note:

Plenty of wiser minds have weighed in this week about how it feels, at this present moment, to see a COVID-19 vaccine roll out amid a global pandemic and an ongoing economic crisis—with the pressure and expectations of the holiday season thrown in. If I had to characterize all of this in culinary terms, it might be like biting into a chocolate truffle (the holidays), only to have the flavors of bitter, used coffee grounds (the economic crisis), rotten tomatoes (the pandemic) and a little bit of strawberry cream (the vaccine) all come spilling out. (Forgive me, but I've already stated that wiser minds have weighed in on this feeling more adeptly.)

Photo by Nicole Vulcan
Is it Santa's workshop or just a helpful elf getting into the holiday spirit? Either way, this home on NE Meadow Lane in Bend gets an A for effort.

While we continue to grapple with the unwanted sensations of rotten tomatoes and used coffee grounds intervening in our lives, perhaps we can train our palates to home in on the truffle and strawberry cream a little bit more. It's what we can savor right now, even as we continue to weather everything there is to weather...

RE: Rent Moratorium Proposal Asks Both Sides To Give A Little. They Should., Opinion, 12/3

Is this saying that Renters would get potentially 100% relief but landlords have to give in 20%? Is that equal? When landlord/Owners are living off of said rental income of acquired (possibly mortgaged, definitely property taxed, insurance and upkeep) rental property or more it seems unfair. It's like your employer took 1/5 of your income away when you counted on that to complete your bill paying and ability to function. It should be dollar to dollar, for every dollar of relief to a renter a landlord should be getting that dollar. Unless the renter is sacrificing 20% too which is not what I read. All together now.

—Marla D. Green, via

RE: What's 'Extreme Risk' Anyway? An Explainer Of The New COVID Risk Guidelines In Oregon, News, 12/3

Central Oregon has a significant trans-generational Veteran population. Many of our veterans regardless of age have diagnosed co-occurring medical conditions that in conjunction with COVID 19 infection are life-threatening—The VA recommends the following per its website -

What should Veterans do?

Veterans with symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath should immediately contact their local VA facility. VA urges Veterans to contact VA before visiting—you can find contact information for your closest VA facility. Alternatively, Veterans can sign into My HealtheVet to send secure messages to their VA providers or use telehealth options to explain their condition and receive a prompt diagnosis.

Read responses to Veterans' frequently asked questions about accessing their VA benefits.

Upon arriving at VA, all patients will be screened for flu-like symptoms before they enter in order to protect other patients and staff. A VA health care professional will assist you with next steps once this screening process is complete.

At this time, VA is urging all visitors who do not feel well to please postpone their visits to VA facilities.

How to protect yourself

Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent the COVID-19 infection and no medication to treat it. CDC believes symptoms appear 2 to 14 days after exposure. Avoid exposure and avoid exposing others to an infection with these simple steps.

Learn to use VA Video Connect through the VA mobile app store or by contacting your VA care team, before any urgent problems arise.

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. An easy way to mark the time is to hum the "Happy Birthday" song from beginning to end twice while scrubbing.

Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Stay home when you are sick or becoming sick.

Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue (not your hands) and throw the tissue in the trash.

Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Getting a flu shot is recommended.

—Greg Walker, via

RE: An Open Letter to Gov. Kate Brown and ODE Director Colt Gill, regarding School Testing and Opening, Letters, 12/10

Thank you for the group letter from our leaders in the community. I wholeheartedly agree and appreciate what they have asked. We need to get our kids, teachers and faculty access to testing and contact tracing so our kids can get back to school. We need this for our mental states and to get back to some normalcy. However, I also think our leaders to implore the community to stop with the politics and come together and stop the anti-mask wearing rallies and suggest that Bend residents stop traveling, close down bars and ask VISIT BEND to focus on detouring tourism at this point by letting vacationers know that while we appreciate them during normal times, we need them to stay home until we are in a healthy and safe situation. We need to just come together to be a community right now and focus on our youth.

—Nicole Perullo, via

RE: Bend's Poor Rating in LGBTQ Equality Can Be a Roadmap to Inclusivity and Continued Economic Prosperity, Opinion, 12/10

Bend to me is a lot like Creme Brulee, once you crack the hard crust of our sophisticated restaurants, housing and events, you quickly fall into creamy Rural America which, sadly, is still very much homophobic, intolerant and ignorant. A lot of outreach has to happen before that community will ever come to the table. We spend marketing dollars for Bend on the wrong communities. Bend will continue to grow, how we include those being pushed to the margins will determine the future of Bend. I submit to you that if Bend wants to grow as a community we need to include all communities. In a vacuum those whose beliefs are not in line with the country tend to amplify their own messaging to their own ends. Leadership is lacking and desperately needed.

—Patric Douglas, via

Letter of the Week:

Patric: Anyone who manages to employ a simile involving crème brulee is instantly awarded Letter of the Week. Thanks for your thoughts! Come on by for your gift card to Palate.

—Nicole Vulcan

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