It was back in the heady boom days when Bend's duly elected officials found themselves faced with an offer that they couldn't refuse. Plunk down a few million bucks for a piece of real estate on the north end of downtown for a fancy new city hall that the city didn't need. The deal even came with a set of drawings. (Woo-ee! Would ya look at that!) Sensing opportunity, they jumped, knowing they could always bail. After all Bend real estate never depreciates, right? They should have grabbed a parachute. Instead they got a balloon - payment that is, to the tune of $1.2 million which has now come due. They'll be refinancing the rest of the $3.6 million debt, swallowing the interest while praying that they can unload the property on someone as easily duped as themselves. Where's a snake oil salesman when you need one? WTF?