The Source Weekly - Bend

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I have lived in Bend for 10 years. I'm 28 years old and a small part of the Bend acting scene. I don't ski or

Eric Flowers Mar 5, 2009 4:00 AM

I have lived in Bend for 10 years. I'm 28 years old and a small part of the Bend acting scene. I don't ski or snowboard or ride bikes recreationally, but I still have a great time here year round. For nine of my years here I have been employed, but a month ago my job ceased to exist.

It's still there - the job - I just don't have it anymore. I lost it my first day back from my honeymoon. I married my dream girl two days after Christmas and we left for the Oregon Coast for two weeks.

Still, I'd been really unhappy at the job for a long time and now I had no excuse not to go looking for the job of my dreams. What I now realize is that I'm on the cusp of an age where I'm either a little over qualified or a lot under qualified for everything available in Bend (which is next to nothing.) I have friends the same age as I who have been looking for six months for work here in Central Oregon and have found nothing. Not even future possibilities.

Everyone in these times has a hard luck story by this point and many people here have it much harder than I do. Anyway, I realized that it can never get too bad because I just married the love of my life. I can't feel sorry for myself. I know I'm getting a little Lifetime on you guys, but it's true. I'll find another job, no question. I just took a look at what I have and it made me realize that I have everything I need.

J. Rasic