Historically, mountain snow-packs have functioned as large, natural water supplies that can also provide entertaining recreational activities for local outdoor sports enthusiasts. As time continues to pass by, the snowpack in the Cascades mountain range has consistently declined—which could be attributed to the many effects of climate change. In an effort to learn more about a possibly "no-to-low snow" future in Central Oregon, join the Deschutes Land Trust, Dr. Alan Rhoades and Dr. Erica Siirila-Woodburn on Jan. 26 for a live Zoom call that offers "proactive solutions to both mitigate the extent of and adapt to the changing conditions of a low-to-no snow future."
Rhoades and Siirila-Woodburn are both research scientists in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Area of Berkeley Lab and focus on different water cycles and the influence climate change has on them. Rhoades' work focuses more on water resource management, while Siirila-Woodburn studies shifts in precipitation patterns and following wildfires. Both areas of study are important to understanding how future climate scenarios are calculated, such as the possibility of a no-to-low snow tomorrow for the Pacific Northwest region.
The event is free to register though space is limited. A recorded version of the presentation will be made available for those unable to attend the event live via Zoom.
To register and for more information, visit deschuteslandtrust.org.
Nature Night: A Low-to-No Snow Future
Wed., Jan. 26, 7-8:30pm
Online via Zoom