Pretty in Hiking Boots | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Pretty in Hiking Boots

How to work out like Molly Ringwald

Molly lives in L.A., where, confoundingly, residents choose to exercise inside a gym rather than capitalize on the near-perfect 70-degree weather. Sometimes, though, on the most perfect 72-degree days, some So-Cal fitness fiends venture beyond the treadmill and choose to brave the walking paths that snake past the beaches.

While this all may sound silly to us, there's something to be said for the L.A. fitness regime. It's predictable, controlled and near hazard-free. With a nod to Molly and her peers, here's how to get fit in Bend—movie-star style:

Juniper Swim & Fitness: So far, spring in Central Oregon has been mild and pleasant. But that could all change with one offshore wind. When the weather is icky, there's no better retreat than Juniper—Olympic-length pool, weight room, sauna, fitness and yoga classes. And, it's cheap! A day pass is only $6 ($7 if you intend on taking classes). If you buy a monthly pass with your partner, your significant other gets a 20 percent discount. Full-time students, kids and seniors also qualify for discounted rates.

Find updated schedules on the website ( or call at 541-389-0125.

Yoga: It's good for mind and body. Molly says so in her 2010 book, "Getting the Pretty Back." The various poses strengthen those micro stabilizer muscles, and positions like Warrior III also remind practicing yogis how to engage underutilized body parts, like the hips. Plus, the pace can be a welcome break from more adrenalin-charged pursuits. Molly, however, goes further in her book. "Great yoga clothes can enhance your'll feel better knowing that you look better." Just don't wear those Lululemon yoga pants (one of Molly's favorite brands) that were recalled because, well, they were see-through. Yikes! Peek-a-boo!

Quality yoga classes can be found throughout Bend: Back Bend (541-322-9642); Namaspa (541-550-8550); Groove (541-706-9288); Bikram Yoga Bend (541-389-8599) and Juniper Swim & Fitness (541-389-0125).

Running/walking: Molly is an avid walker and jogger. While getting around at 5 mph isn't exactly the most exciting activity, it's easy to fit in a jog (or walk) during a lunch break or before/after the workday, and, unlike yoga or bike riding, can easily be done without spilling your latte. In Bend, there's no shortage of trails close to town, so do your body a favor and get off the pavement. To find a nearby trail, visit and click on "trail list" (it's under the "Go Outside" tab). The Bend Park & Recreation website offers a lengthy list of town trails, complete with mileage and downloadable maps. The 3.3-mile Haul Road trail (from Bill Healy Bridge to the Forest Service boundary/walking bridge upstream) is a popular route. A gravel road that should be used more, but isn't, is the Brooks-Scanlon Rail Trail, which runs from Shevlin Park all the way to Sisters!

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