The Modern Primal Foodie | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

The Modern Primal Foodie

Keeping fit with the paleo lifestyle

After realizing that a strictly gluten-free diet wasn't the full solution to his celiac disease, Cain Credicott sought out other eating options that might sooth his dietary woes. Stumbling upon the paleo diet back in 2011, just before its rise to popularity, Credicott almost instantaneously started Paleo Magazine, a bimonthly lifestyle publication based out of Northwest Crossing. Credicott says the publication covers inspirational stories, people that have used paleo to heal themselves or overcome challenges, recipes, paleo-friendly businesses, research and lifestyle.

"I wanted people that are checking out at the grocery store to see the magazine. They wouldn't know [paleo] was out there if they didn't know to look for it," explained Credicott.

For those still unfamiliar, paleo is an eat-like-a-caveman mentality that avoids modern, processed foods. The hunter-gatherer approach means eschewing dairy products, grains, legumes, processed oils and refined sugar. Credicott is adamant that paleo isn't just a dietary choice, it's a lifestyle change that truly affects every aspect of the body and mind.

"It makes you talk about other aspects that will round out your health," said Credicott. "It helps you understand what makes you as an individual healthy and it helps guide you in covering those aspects. If you're looking at it like a diet you might as well count the days until you fail. It's not a Weight Watchers, and it's not Atkins."

In Bend, you can find Paleo Magazine at Nature's General Store, Natural Grocers, Whole Foods Market, and Barnes & Noble, or online at

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