Duckorama: The dream of an epic BCS title game | The Source Weekly - Bend

Duckorama: The dream of an epic BCS title game

The Oregon Ducks football squad is exciting everyone, not just old fans, and could be part of an epic BCS championship game.

Miracles do happen. I arrived back at my San Francisco Bay area hotel last Saturday night after swilling cocktails and eating fatty finger food while watching the Giants lose to the Rangers in Game three of the World Series to find my wife intently watching the Ducks-Trojans game on TV. "Boy," said she, "the Ducks are sure fun to watch. They look like they're having so much fun."

Holy Jim Thorpe. That statement came from a woman who for all our married life has not spent a single moment watching yet alone liking college or pro football. I was staggered on hearing her words as if hit by a bolt of lightening. We had at last reached a mutual agreement on something sporting.

And so for the sake of marriages everywhere where the male is a sports nut and the female barely interested, try viewing a Ducks game together. Dr.Phil would approve.

What makes the Ducks so palatable to the opposite sex? It's because play more like a rugby team. A run or pass play ends and it's on to the next one. There are no interminable huddles, milking the clock and other attendant football junk.

The Ducks remind me more of a great rugby team like Old Blues (ex Cal footballers) than any football team. The Old Blues played their sport with the same speed and abandon.

So for me, it would be fun if the Ducks go to play Boise State for the mythical national title? Now that would easily be the fastest, most athletic game in collegiate history. And one I could easily talk my wife into watching.

Forget the bad vibes from the Boise State taunting and the famous Lagarette Blount punch game of last season. Both teams have moved beyond that and are ready to dazzle a nation of pigskin fanatics growing tired of predictable games played by oversized young men.

Make it a BCS title game between the Ducks and Boise State and may the final score add up to somewhere around 200 points.