Hygiene and Cannabis | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Hygiene and Cannabis

A local grower weighs in

I have always been fascinated with the transition we've seen in cannabis, from a clandestine substance to a thriving legal adult-use product. In particular, this switch in legality has opened the door for conversations around proper cannabis consumption hygiene. That has never been more important than with the recent impacts on our community from COVID-19.

Back in the day, we didn't think twice about sharing a blunt everyone threw down on, or all smoking off the same bong—but now that all adults have access to cannabis dispensaries, we have normalized personal joints and we no longer have to hide our bongs or pipes. When you put this into context of the alcohol or food industry, it's pretty unlikely you would share a fork or beer with a stranger, and yet we still see joints being shared and bongs being passed around.

Hygiene and Cannabis
Sharing the goods is so old school. If you gotta do it that way, practice some cleansing rituals, too.

In light of the recent events, I challenge our community to take extra precautions, not just in light of COVID-19 but indefinitely. Here are some best practices to incorporate into your cannabis lifestyle to keep you and the fam healthy!

Bongs, pipes, glass blunts etc. should be disinfected between smokers with 70% rubbing alcohol, allowing it to air dry versus wiping it dry. Benzalkonium chloride or even vodka is another good option. If you don't have those products, consider getting old school with it and applying a flame for 5-10 seconds in order to reach 340°F/171.1°C, and be sure to let it cool down before use.

Ditch the shared blunts and joints for a tightly rolled personal joint, or use a glass blunt tip that can be sterilized.

It's pretty unlikely you would share a fork or beer with a stranger, and yet we still see joints being shared and bongs being passed around.

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Want to get really fancy? Check out Moose Lab's Silicone MouthPeace. This cleaver device fits on to bongs of all sizes, creating a barrier between you and the smoking device. There are even versions that can fit blunts and joints.

As a last resort, if all else fails, remember the hand bong tech? It works great for joints, blunts and pipes if you're in a pinch and want to stay healthy.

Instead of spreading germs... let's all spread the word on best cannabis consumption practices in our community... Stay healthy friends!

-Lindsey Pate is CEO and co-founder at Glass House Grown, and president of the Cascade Cannabis Association.

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