Bend Man Wins Megabucks Jackpot | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Bend Man Wins Megabucks Jackpot

Stu MacDonald beat cancer twice. Winning the lottery is just icing on the cake.

Sometimes buying a lottery ticket pays off. Just ask Bendite Stu MacDonald, the man who recently won a $4.6 million jackpot.

As a weekly endeavor, MacDonald would head out to buy a new ticket and play the odds. Each time he did this, MacDonald's wife Claudia would tell him to get the winning ticket—some pretty sound advice, in my book.

Claudia actually forgot to remind him this last trip, but when MacDonald went to Ashley's Cafe—located on NE 3rd Street, in the Wagner Mall—on Sept. 7, he ended up getting the winning ticket anyway.

"I am a very lucky guy," MacDonald said in a press release. "I have survived cancer twice and here I am. This is amazing."

Opting to take the bulk sum payment, after taxes MacDonald brought home $1.56 million–which definitely isn't a bad day at the office.

MacDonald isn't the only person cashing in on the winnings, either. For selling the winning ticket, Ashley's also gets a 1-percent selling bonus of $46,000. According to Tezra Kong, Ashley's Director of Operations, some of the seller's bonus will go back directly to the team there.

P.S. Stu, if you're reading this, I'm free for lunch anytime.

Isaac Biehl

Isaac is living proof that "Iowa Nice" is actually a thing. A journalism graduate from Iowa State University, he regularly writes about music, the outdoors and the arts/culture scene. Isaac loves the Trail Blazers, backpacking and a good IPA. He plans to one day win Survivor. Your move, Jeff Probst...
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