Steven Blaylock's Bizarre Statement | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Steven Blaylock's Bizarre Statement

At his sentencing, convicted murderer Steven Blaylock explained why he dumped his wife's body in a river.

The story of Steven Blaylock, the man convicted recently of killing his wife last year and then dumping her body in the North Santiam River, got even weirder today during his sentencing hearing.

Blaylock was ultimately sentenced by county circuit Judge Michael Adler to life in prison and is not eligible for parole for 25 years. But it was Blaylock's statement before the sentencing that really stuck out.

Local news station KTVZ reported that Blaylock, expressing little remorse, attempted to justify his reasons for dumping the body of his wife, Lori Blaylock, into the river.

Here's KTVZ's account of his statement:

"She made the comment, 'Instead of being stuck in the ground, if I can't have my ashes spread in space, if I can't go to sea, I would rather feed my friends, the fish," he said.

"I'm not trying to justify my actions here, about what I'm about to say," Blaylock said, "but this was no preconceived -- it's what happened. It's what I did.

"I'm very sorry. If I could change what happened that day, I would."

Read the rest here:

According to the KTVZ reports, Blaylock's sister stormed out of the courtroom during the statement. And you can understand why.

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