Letters | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

In reply to BREAKING: The Day the Music Died (In Bend) (Bent Blog, 11/29)

Oy ve ! Sorry to see Dave giving up the fight but I can certainly understand why he did. The City Council needs to wake up to the realities of what is best for Bend's CULTURE & ECONOMY. This city needs to be built on the philosophy that we need to encourage and reward the arts, youth culture and last but not least, a thriving tourist economy. Beer, outdoor sports and other unique attractions continue to attract visitors to our area...the night life should be on that list of attractions too. The council needs to realize that crafting the city's ordinances to cater to its older residents has not future (sorry to my in-laws, but it's true). It must be a proportional compromise, meaning everyone's voices need to be heard, not just the quiet older residents who fear their little town is turning into a city and make the phone calls. They need to realize that putting up obstacles to night life and youth culture means putting up obstacles to economic growth, and to the city's best potential future.

- gabegrooves1

Sorry to hear that. It just bugs the hell out of me that folks who CHOSE to buy homes in or near commercially zoned areas suddenly feel they have the right to change the rules. I can't stand the thought of them rejoicing over the fact that they killed a venue that supported a blossoming and eclectic music community. If you don't want to hear the noise of a bustling city, move to the country! Or at the very least, don't buy near commercially zoned properties! As for Dave, thank you for supporting the arts in the past. This move is understandable in the wake of the controversy surrounding the venue.

- stripe57

Well said, Gabe. Agree 100%. One more item to add to the "good news" list:

D) On December 14th, The Dirksen Derby Kickoff Party featuring StealHead WILL STILL GO ON. Come support local music, the arts, and Tyler Eklund. Go out with a bang and crank the amps to 11?

- heleosmike

NOSLER made noise complaints? Didn't they BLOW UP their building a while back? I bet that was pretty loud...

- Todd Hanson

It is too bad, buy hey, they became a concert venue AFTER people were living in the area. I hope they find a middle ground to this issue. I doubt that it will ever go away though.


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