Pity the Poor Bulletin | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Pity the Poor Bulletin

I'm so sad. The parent company of the great Bend Bulletin has filed for bankruptcy, citing "difficulties renegotiating an $18 million loan."

I know that this was purely the fault of that evil bank, and not at all due to poor choices the noble editor, John Costa, or the brilliant publisher, Gordon Black, could have made. They're just too honorable and wise to have made bad management decisions. And the oft-cited perception that the Bulletin is a lap dog for the development industry, spinning the real estate news any way it can to keep the house of cards upright - well, that's just crazy talk! So the smart decisions of these two savvy entrepreneurs had nothing at all to do with the failure of the business, as Mr. Costa himself has assured us - nothing, I tell you!

I also know that this is clearly the sole time our beloved free market system could have resulted in bankruptcy and/or job losses. In all other instances, one must continue to blame the current Administration. Obviously, if anyone loses their job at the Bulletin, it's because of Obama.

While Wednesday brought this sad, sad bankruptcy news, it is Monday's edition that serves to again demonstrate what a credible, important newspaper the Bulletin really is: where the Oregonian featured a detailed story about some rebels overtaking some place called Tripoli and effectively ending the reign of some person named Gaddafi on its front page, the Bulletin wisely ignored that non-story and ran a front-page feature about a teenager's apparent difficulties battling obviously pointless forest regulations.

I hope and pray the Bulletin continues to give us such relevant, balanced stories, and continues to ignore silly nonsense like world events.

Please keep the great Bulletin and its brilliant management in your thoughts and prayers, fellow citizens.


- Peter Gramlich

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