For decades we on the "right" have stood by and watched as "liberal" mobs have destroyed buildings, attacked individuals, and seen laws passed to prevent individuals from expressing their views. Add to this the denigration of those on the "right" by the mainstream media, and one should be able to recognize the frustration felt by the common person on the street.
In the 60's we watched as mobs protested the Vietnam War. Since that time we have seen these same "liberal mobs" attack Conservative speakers on university campuses such as happened to the Minutemen, Ann Coulter, David Horowitz, Bill Kristol, Michael Steele, etc. We saw the assault on the podiums, the pies being thrown, or Oreo cookies. Code Pink consistently disrupts Congressional hearings and town hall meetings.
When Conservatives attempted to protest Roe v. Wade we watched as the police were brought out to arrest the protestors. Then laws were passed to limit, or prevent, protests. Lawsuits were filed under the RICO Act against groups opposed to abortion. Then there was the denigration of these groups with the "liberal" mantra: "Conservatives love the fetus, hate the child" even when Conservatives were building clinics as an alternative to abortion, helping these mothers find others to adopt the child, and providing prenatal care to the mothers that chose to not have an abortion.
Then there was the fight over informing the mother of the negative aspects of an abortion, which the "liberal" opposed.
"Liberals" for decades have bussed people to rallies such as occurred during the Bush/Gore election. "Liberals" have bussed people to Washington D.C. for the specific purpose of protesting.
And nothing was said of these "mobs". No criticism. No denigration from the left.
Now the "silent majority" has become fed up with the antics of the left, and are speaking out. And in true form the "liberal" minions are again attacking those who love the freedoms we have and oppose the agenda of the left.
Ken Swipies